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Special Paid Access (not part of subscription): The Biochemistry of Living Memory The Physics of Blackness, The Evidence, Part 1 to 6.


The Universe, life and humanity, are expressions of a very specific physics which I have termed the physics of blackness! It is a physics typified by the promulgation and preservation of three sixes. These sixes reflect a very specific type of universal resonance condition, which underlie the manner in which all Complexly Evolving Ensembles (CEE), are organized.

Life is one example of a CEE. I call this resonance condition a K-Pattern, the Prime Signal, the physics of blackness, or just simply, Organized Complexity.

The physics of blackness is an apt name because in my view, the physical elements are instances of relational orders (see my podcast on how G-D built the universe, and why), so if Hydrogen is an instance of the relational order, one, then Carbon is an instance of the relational order, six.

Carbon12 as discovered in its natural form on earth and in space, is black, and my Principles of Organized Complexity shed light on why all life is based on Carbon12. As such, in maintaining Organized Complexity in physical existence, nature counts, and it uses this counting process and the geometry underlying this relational order of six, to ensure a strict adherence to Organized Complexity. So, it doesn’t matter what your epidermal skin tone really is. Underneath it all, the physics of blackness runs your entire biochemistry and the way that you are organized. If it didn’t, you wouldn’t be alive!

So, what the heck is the global system of white supremacy?? It is a system of extreme ignorance, corruption, human suffering and ultimately, denial.

So, these 6 podcasts I have created, are part biochemical evidence supporting the physics of blackness, and part rage against the deeply ignorant system of global white supremacy.

My claims in these podcasts are not some nonsensical, pseudoscientific claims. They are based on actual literature review of mainstream published science, and in these reviews, I highlight how nature uses these sixes to achieve and maintain the requirements of Organized Complexity, as described in my book, The Five Principles of Organized Complexity, published in 2011 and 2020!!

In these 6 podcasts, I propose, for the very first time in science, a radically new idea underlying the metabolic nature of living memory, and I follow through with evidence in support of my idea. I propose that the Glycolytic and Photosynthetic metabolic pathways are the universal metric underlying memory formation in living things because a similar physical process is at work in non-living things.

Under such a perspective, Mitochondria play a central role in memory formation, and the synthesis of ATP, Adenosine Triphosphate, becomes how nature enforces a strict adherence to Organized Complexity within all living things. This ensures that every living thing in existence conforms to the very Principles which describe how G-D built this universe; the physics of blackness! From this context, I reinterpret some aspects of Torah narratives, especially those concerning the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life.

So, why should you care enough about these 6 podcasts to make financial investments in them?

You should care because the global system of white supremacy thrives off the ignorance of humanity, and the need for financial investment only demonstrates your own commitment to your own freedom from this ignorance. This system of white supremacy racism is a complete and utter fraud, and therefore implies that the reality you are currently processing in your head remains a victim or shame-filled one. The result of this is that this imposed surrogate reality is making everyone cognitively ill, and therefore unable to see the truth of reality clearly. If you cannot see reality clearly and truthfully, then you cannot see yourself clearly too, and as a consequence, you cannot see G-D clearly as well. Such a condition implies that you are mere food to be fed upon by those who maintain this current corrupt reality in states of terrorism, war, separation, division, hate, fragmentation, suffering, hopelessness, theft, shame, genocide and ultimately, denial. Make no mistake, there is nothing like a “white” human being, and your epidermal skin tone does not change this fact! If you think it does, then you are as much under a powerful information deception as anybody else, and you are being fed upon, whether you realize this or not. Truth is the only freedom attainable!

Welcome to the physics of blackness!!!

The science of Organized Complexity, reflecting the deep Principles of how G-D built this universe and all life within it.

Genesis 15: The Inheritance of Avram, Organized Complexity, and Astrological Life Stories.

In this podcast, I narrate a new perspective on this chapter of Genesis, wherein Avram asks the Supreme Intelligence behind creation itself, an important question. This question is reminiscent of the exact type of questions that create human realities and their life stories on earth. That is, life stories which can then be interpreted via astrological natal chart synthesis.

All human life stories begin with questions posed to the Supreme Intelligence. It is these questions that become human, and from the natal chart, it is possible to reconstruct what this original question is, and as such, decipher the reason why a human is born on earth.

In the case of Avram in Genesis chapter 15, the Supreme Intelligence answers the question posed by Avram in a way which reveals to Avram who the Supreme Intelligence is. The essence of this revelation is what establishes a covenant between Avram and the Supreme Intelligence, and gives insight into why this covenant is symbolized by the need for circumcision of the foreskin in the human male. This is because the revelation itself and the covenant are representations of the deepest form of intimacy with the Supreme Intelligence.

This process of establishing the deepest possible intimacy is what the core essence of the human life story revolves around on earth, and it is represented by the intrinsic difficulties encountered in the astrological sign of Scorpio.

Yehudim: The Truth and Profound Meaning of Jewry.

Yehudim are Jews from one of the 12 tribes of YIsrael. That is, the tribe of Yehuda (Judah). However, there are no tribes. There are only the 12 astrological signs which span the plane of the ecliptic; that great circle in the sky, wherein which the planets and the Sun traverse from the point of view of the earth. As a result, Yehuda (Judah), which is symbolized as a Lion, represents the astrological sign of Leo. In this podcast, I investigate what this means, and the implications with respect to the Prime Signal.

Torah Insights: Astrological Perspectives  on the  Ten Commandments.

Well, what can I say? You simply have never heard the ten commandments interpreted this way. By this time, you should have started paying attention to what is going on here. Enjoy the listen.

The Physics of Colour and the Torah.

This is a very powerful podcast. My most powerful yet. It is not for the faint-hearted. When you look at a red body, the physics tells us that the red colour is that aspect of light rejected by the body. It is the aspect of light with no correspondence within the body, so it doesn’t get absorbed by the body.

The same analogical logic can be applied to human behavioural response. The behaviors that are observed within humans are the complex dance of functional lights (planets), which have found no correspondence within the human, hence why it is being emitted. So, the human can be envisaged as a spectrum of changing colours. The functional lights (planets) of astrology, indicate how this complex dance of colours proceeds.

The Torah can therefore be envisaged as narrative which prescribes how this complex dance of colours unfolds. It is the very first time such a connection between the complex dance of colours and human psychodynamics of emotional or behavioural response has been proposed anywhere in science!

The Prime Signal: Organizing Complexity with Blackness, Part 1, 2 and 3.

Those familiar with my work may easily realize that the Prime Signal is nothing but what I call a K-pattern in my book, “The Five Principles of Organized Complexity.”

The Prime Signal is the control signal which guides the emergence of Organized Complexity across all natural systems. It is what leads to the so called“fine tuning” of physical constants, as described across the physical sciences. It is responsible for all the mysteries across all the sciences. Its detailed understanding is an absolute turning point for every human civilization, around whatever star system in the Universe, because it symbolizes a coming of age within a seemingly isolated specie of sentient beings anywhere. As such, all sentient beings in the Universe are largely grouped into beings intimately familiar with the Prime Signal, and beings whose reality systems are dominated by its ignorance.

The Prime Signal is composed of the three sixes which orchestrate the synchronization of an infinite number of Prime numbers. There are three of these sixes because the organization encoded within Prime distribution is three dimensional, hence why our spatial experience is also three dimensional too. It therefore is the organizational strategy behind the eventual emergence of humankind, such that it is sufficiently safe to assert that the Prime Signal is humankind. The sixes appear as blackness when they take physical form.

Human personality is therefore, the Prime Signals varying awareness of itself. It is this awareness which is now studied as the psychodynamic potential of personality, to be deciphered during natal chart synthesis. In a nutshell, it is the careful examination of “that which is turning” within a human being. Like a wheel within a wheel, within a wheel, etc.