Natal Chart Synthesis Client Testimonials

Client testimonials are kept entirely anonymous to protect the privacy of clients. Testimonials are not actively solicited from clients. They are a spontaneous, natural response from clients, expressing the way they feel about their synthesis reading.

Hello my friend, I have listened to the reading and it is the most amazing thing I have ever listened to! I have been interested in astrology my whole life because it made me feel seen and understood in a way I am not normally in life and this is the climactic pinnacle to a lifetime of interest. This is what I have been searching for my whole life. Multiple times during the reading I had to stop and just start sobbing because it was so affirming and healing to be seen and understood in a way I never have been before, ironically from someone I have never met. I don't want to gush too much as I am sure someone with a genius like yours is fully aware but I just want to extend my deepest gratitude for the amazing gift you have given me. I do not take it lightly and feel very grateful to have found your work and followed the impulse to get a reading from you. As you generously offer an additional service of answering questions about my reading I will ask a few that came up if you feel inspired to elaborate on these areas. I do want to say however, the reading was extremely clear and simple enough for me to understand while demonstrating the deep understanding and reasoning behind all you were saying. My questions are as follows:
25th August 2023
Dear Hanyel, I don’t even know where to begin and if I can thank you enough…I had to stop several times and just sobbed.. Everything you stated is absolutely correct, it couldn’t have been presented any more clearer or true. I will make sure to write a review on your site, but I just wanted to let you know first So in summary, I’m truly grateful for this, it’s such a relief to hear so much of what I kept underneath be aired out in the open.. and to have a co formation that all of this internal turmoil is not for nothing. Forgive me for carrying on.. I’m just truly amazed. I have a question regarding my chart, but I’m still quite overwhelmed and will just need a bit of time to formulate it in a concise form..
October 2023
Dear Hanyel, Thank you for the most extraordinary synthesis reading -- jaw dropping, actually. I've listened to it several times actually and can't thank you enough. I don't understand why I've not learned of your work before, but happy to have found you at this pivotal time (well, actually, it makes some sense after hearing your synthesis). I look forward to taking your class and getting your book that I feel will answer some of the bigger questions I have, that lead me to your site and this synthesis in the first place.
2nd March 2024
Thank you so much Hanyel for this synthesis, you possess a real gift for weaving together planetary alignments into a tapestry of insight that is as accurate and profound as it is almost poetic. Your interpretation of my astral chart offered me a newfound understanding of my present life and illuminated pathways for navigating my future with purpose. Your work deserves to be shared with the world and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone seeking a unique deep-dive into their personal chart.
10th April 2024
Hello, I hope you’re doing well. I listened several times to the synthesis in order to be able to digest everything well. I’m truly happy with the synthesis, it’s the first time that I get a reading this complete, with a real emphasis on a deep and true narrative rather than a recitation of popular astrology elements. Thank you so much. I can hear and sense the passion for your craft in your voice and in your words. As you said that it was possible to ask questions and deepen some elements that you picked, I have a simple one despite all the dense details you shared. It’s about xxxxxx, and as you rightfully picked up, I had and still have a hard time choosing ..... This volatility truly saddens me and, even worse, puts me in a depressive state, as I would ask for nothing more than being .... As you perfectly spot, blocks and limitations, even the impression of bad luck or odds being against me has been felt in my search .... This awful feeling of being ... had suffocated me. It has truly sadden me, to the point of sickening me. So here is my question: ... I need guidance concerning how to crystallize and create this responsibility, how to make it blossom into reality. Thank you again for this wonderful reading. You’re truly talented, and I’m looking forward to supporting your YouTube channel. You helped me understand things that I kept subconscious and even picked up on elements that only I knew. Truly spooky, but yet wonderful. It gives me back faith in the future. Thank you for this lifelong gift.
25th April 2024
Hi Hanyel, I can't tell you how much I appreciate this synthesis. It has helped tremendously. I've given it a few listens and it really is a beautifully cohesive whole (which I find immensely satisfying), so I don't have any questions. I've been transitioning into that second half of the life story you talked about and to receive this information brings so much clarity, awareness, and joy. There really is nothing random going on and your approach to astrology and how you present the life story was exactly what I needed.
20th May 2024
Dear Paul Hanyel, I have no words to express my gratitude for this powerful tool you've given me. Everything was clear, complex yet simple. I feel honoured and humbled.
16th April 2024
Hi Hanyel, Thank you for extending the time for me to do this, I am feeling a lot better at last. Below are some questions I have about my synthesis. I truly feel you are far and above the best astrologer I have ever come across, and it is evident you bring a synthesis of many fields of knowledge into your work. In listening to the synthesis, I felt so understood in a way I’ve never encountered before; but furthermore, I live in a country that does not encourage or value philosophical styles of thought, and hence, I’m not sure I’ve previously met someone who thinks in such a similar way to the way I do. Thank you for dissipating a feeling of intellectual loneliness that I’ve carried. Firstly, I found your work through youtube and actually don't know where to find your podcast. Where can I find it please? You were indeed accurate about immigration to a foreign land. This happened when I was X years old as part of the exodus from South African Apartheid, and only a short time after this my father died suddenly. My mother remarried very quickly. I’ve spent such a large part of my life under the shadow of trying to understand all that happened around this time, and mourn my relationship to the concept of “father”: is there anything to be gleaned of relationship with father figures in my chart? I am indeed a dancer, and one of my biggest conflicts with my mother was her discouraging me from pursuing creative expression (in both singing and dancing), in favour of academia. I enjoy both, but I would have liked to have been supported in both. Thank you for the advice to return to dance, you very much hit the nail on the head with this advice. Is there anything to be said about singing in my chart and where/how would you see such a thing in a chart? Is there anything to be said or understood about mars being retrograde in this chart?
2nd October 2023
Dear Paul Hanyel, I have no words to express my gratitude for this powerful tool you've given me. Everything was clear, complex yet simple. I feel honoured and humbled. I am forever grateful for your gift!
16th April 2024
Not sure if this is the correct email to do this, but I wanted to say a sincere thank you, Paul. Before finding your work, I'd only ever wanted a reading from Robert Hand. But because I have a deep fear of meeting my idols, I never bit the bullet. (🤣 And I fortunately didn't have any of your books on my shelf yet! But now that I've gotten the reading, I can subscribe to your website and read them there.) I really hope to see a hard copy on Amazon of yours one day. I love learning from books, and you have much to offer the world. Thanks for the reading of a lifetime!
20th December 2023
Hi Hanyel, Thank you for my reading, it is very good. I have not stopped listening to it due to the accuracy. I am still not sure how I am supposed to use the map, to find a relationship. Is it saying I need to travel and to let go of the focus on my career / finances?
23rd December 2023
As you can see, I don't check this app often 😂 But I wanted to let you know how much your synthesis helped me to clarify my purpose. It came at such a perfect and pivotal time, and I am forever grateful to you for your incredible dedication to your craft. Since your reading, I found my deepest passions and purposes, and also wrote a 60,000-word poetry book-soon to be published. Your work matters so much-never quit. 💖
25th February 2024
Hello sir, my name is ****** I’m 21. I hope this message finds you well. I just want to say I’m a big supporter of your work and even though I’m new to your work and even such detailed sciences — there’s been a significant difference in the way I view life ever since I was curious enough to check your Venus in Scorpio podcast, that moment was a Turing point of how I viewed life. I have Libra Sun, Leo Moon & Capricorn Rising. I just felt the need to show my appreciation and even tho right now I can’t get into your classes because current situation. This is a THANK YOU. For sharing your wisdom; it has affected my life and shown light on so many things i question about myself and it’s helped me accept myself even more. Thank you once again.
19th February 2024
Hi Hanyel - Thank you for the transit reading! I've listened only once so far, and it is already worth the wait and the price, as I knew it would be. The amount and quality of unique personal value you provide is truly Next Level. I haven't seen your approach anywhere else, and yours makes more sense to me than the rest. I look forward to deeply examining my Self and expanding my Awareness, thanks to this guidance. A priceless gift, indeed!
4th January 2024
Greetings I referred someone to you yesterday that I met on xxxxxx because I made a post raving about you and the natal synthesis you created for me after listening to it. Please don't share my real name with the person since I want to remain anonymous on that site! By the way, she's a woman and xxxx yesterday. Please let her know that the reading will take a minimum of x days! Will get more reading done in the future for other families and friends. Will also post a glowing review on your website when time permits.
12th November 2023
Dear Hanyel, I did not notice the file's name, so there are no worries. Your synthesis of my natal chart blew me away! I have only listened to it once but intend to listen again. You have a gift for delineating the planets, signs, and houses and then aggregating all the information to form a coherent narrative! I have studied Hellenistic astrology for two years and have taken other small courses. Your perspective has provided new insight. No other readings I have received have quite touched on the essence of who I am like your reading has. Even the "shadow" sides rang true, but you quickly pointed out simply what it all really was. You were spot on with scenarios that have played out in my life—especially in relationships. I stumbled on one of your YouTube videos a few weeks ago and have watched several of them since. I would love to take your courses once I can work out my schedule. (I have recently left my career of 16 years and decided to pursue a doctorate in naturopathic medicine.) Thank you for considering the signatures in my chart carefully. You have opened my eyes in so many ways! Sincerely,
5th August 2023
You nailed it, my friend. I started writing deep poetry at a young age. Until my mom read through my writings and diary. I became so ashamed and never wrote again. Only within the past few months did I discover a joy for painting, which has me slowly starting to write again....and Saturn's funny twist of fate has me temporarily living with both of my parents (who divorced when I was very young and hardly ever even spoke again until recently). What beautiful and serendipitous timing to have found you, as I have finally completed my deep treacherous inner work (to a large extent) and have found the courage and higher consciousness to truly forgive my parents and move on. Everything else is spot on and the details don't matter much. You've confirmed a lot of things and shed light upon some perpetually puzzling aspects of my existence. Words can hardly express my gratitude for your dedication and integrity. Very much looking forward to the others. Sincerely,
12th July 2023
Hello Hanyel, I have been listening to the Natal Synthesis on repeat since I've received it. I can't thank you enough. Admittedly, I feel a bit overwhelmed by the information, and am trying to order it so I know what my questions are. I would love the opportunity to meet with you, do you have open availability this Sunday? All the best,
30th March 2023
Hello, this is the first time that I have heard someone say that we should face our power then use it for good. I have been searching and searching for answers. This is my natal chart, I'm not looking for anything free of charge, but I just wanted to show you the complexity of what I'm working with. Thank you, please let me know of your price and I will save up if I have to do get it.
4th January 2023
wow hanyel, I cannot begin to tell you how much this resonated with me, from a young age there’s been a lot of responsibility, not only myself but over my mum, who I have a very intense relationship with and have since a young age, if it’s alright with you I’d really like to take this in a few more times and then come back with any questions when I have a more consolidated understanding and memory of the synthesis i just want to say thank you so much for the effort you put into making this, it means a lot - and absolutely everything you said has hit the nail on the head
30th November 2022
Hello I have been listening to the reading everyday since. It's fascinating how revealing it is. As far as implementation goes, I have taken more seriously what you said about organizing and sistematizing my thoughts, and thus I have been taking stock of all the resources and collected data that I have, to create products of knowledge like study guides, literature summaries and meta-cognative mindmaps. I am gearing to create a website/databank for all the topics I want to integrate also, and to also take on the challenge of creating wealth through confidence in my aptitude for knowing, I've thus begun making some money selling these notes/ compendiums that were just on my phone, cuz as you said, I am that proverbial wizzkid who always collects information, and I made a concerted effort to start packaging that random data into information sets that can be useful. For example, I had these notes on a novel called Ancestral Voices, and in the story they mention the importance of water as it is in the genre of a "farm novel. " But I had a Uranian download of how water as metaphor gave the foundation of the creation of the novel, insofar as water being a medium of memories and being shaped by the force acting upon it... I just saw how language aims to asimptotically touch that which we feel and observe in the abstract, and water told me that whole story of how spirit clothes itself in a manifestation of a material cosmology, and word aim for the same. Anyway, it took me hours to record my download in a vn, and 2 days to retype it as an artikel on water in the oikodome of creation, and how it reflects and maintains the very process by which living law flows into existence. These are some things a started with, because inevitably, I do want to build the resources to join your classes.
18th November 2022
Hi Paul! Thank you so much for the reading. You put together so many themes that I didn’t understand how to apply. I have felt a “calling” to something big and so much frustration when I can’t apply it materially, but I am building a TV production company. I have written 3 tv pilots and they all center around healing ourselves to know ourselves. My next tv pilot is supernatural. I have also produced music 😁 and often write my screenplays according to the vibe of a song. I recently held onto an old relationship for 4 years and only when I started practicing self-worth/valuation was I able to release. Anyway, your oration was amazing. Thank you so much
21st September 2022
Hello- I’ve listened to it like 10 times and every time I realize something new about me that I have to come to grips with. My initial thoughts? Help me lol!
11th April 2023
Hi Hanyel, I want to personally thank you for not only the reading, your time, energy, thought & wisdom, but also for providing me with a framework through which I can interpret my life and continued vision I’m creating of the future. I cannot express my gratitude enough, you were right in your words as to why I was inclined to get this reading in the first place… I’m glad to say, maybe for once, at least astrologically… I feel at peace with my understanding / grasp and thought process. I feel like I genuinely understand the underlying message and direction it’s pointing towards, and I feel okay with not knowing myself fully at this point. I want to validate the entirety of your words & wisdom, because your words spoke so truly and close to my heart. It’s in moments like these that I cannot fathom for the life of me other’s distrust / misunderstanding of astrology. If just given a chance, a moment of consideration, thought and inquiry, the importance and validity is clear… Academic inclinations are more than correct, in the most foundational idea of learning and academics, their true meaning… although, all I’ve come to understand that today, maybe more so here in the United States, is that the very idea and “institution” of academia is to its core corrupted, existing only to reestablish itself and validate the current order of things, a death sentence…. I’ve been disappointed with the material reality of academia in the US over and over. it’s hard to find a place, myself, or career there, other than purpose in its destruction and re-creation, perhaps that my pursuit. I have more words…. Everything you spoke of resonated so deeply. This meant a lot to me and I don’t know how to express that fully, I will always reference back to this reading, and even this point in time, as a point of clarity & reconfiguration. It’s incredibly important to me and will directly contribute into the continued creation of myself and understanding of that self. Thank you. I will be back. Of course I have questions, but I will leave that to another reading/consultation/course…. For now, I am just grateful.
8th December 2022
it's exact. I'm grateful for the detailed analysis and the direct words. Really, very helpful
20th December 2023
I am so grateful for your presence on this plane. I have listened to my natal chart synthesis sèveral times but today it was so powerful after listening to your podcast on marriage. Its starting to make so much sense to me now. I will be sending you updates on my advancenents with this generative systems engineering class that starts on the 8th. I want to be in a position to fully immerse myself in our process so that I'm focused on it to a point of mastery. I have been at this for the last 5 years strong in a spiritual manner when before it seemed to be somewhat superficial. I came across a guy named Doelow The Pilotman on youtube, if you will please check out a podcast or two he is so deep not everyone can get him but in order for me to prepare for you I had to be restructured. He was definately a integral part of my approach to your research. I am so excited, because all does not feel lost any longer. Thank you so much again for all your work. I am ready to take this ship to higher planes.
13th July 2023
As someone who discounts myself in order that I should be accepted and loved for less effort than is typical of exerting love and acceptance... As someone who gifts as a prosthetic of connection and intimacy... As someone with a 10th house Venus grounded by Saturn with Chiron lurking nearby and an overflowing suspended 5th house... And of course, with everything you saw for my childhood... The idea that I will receive love in the form of money is one of the more heartbreaking things I've heard. Most of your interpretations rang true for me. And I know you meant it in a positive context but while I value money, I hope to love and be loved. Loved in a way that is a reflection of God's love for existence made manifest in the man before me...or some rudiment of It that ruptures flesh and frays Reality's hem... The kind that perhaps breaks the bindings of a chart such as mine. The kind that refutes my easy disposal. I'm complexed with all manner of emotions and there's no one who I can really express to about this. I don't mean to cross boundaries but I'm so saddened. For your discernment, candor, and efforts on my behalf, I'm grateful. For this pain, too, I will be grateful. I don't know why that statement has torn at me this way...must be that it was something I needed to hear. What you do is higher-octave beautiful. To touch tenderly, helping us to weave our way more harmoniously into the turn your gaze all about and help us discern the firmament. I'm not too upset to appreciate what you've done here and will do everywhere else you journey. Many blessing to you and for your work, Hanyel. May you be protected at all latitudes, may you experience flow at every juncture, may what you seek reveal itself readily again and again. Sincerely,
10th July 2022
So many things to say. This must happen to you often. I feel compelled to explain everything to you: -the characteristics you discerned by detectable means -the characteristics that are off at a tangent -the characteristics that are true but Im not sure how or why you were able to discern, transcendental things. Rest assured that I understand that none of it is actually relevant as what you've done is try to point me toward my personal evolution. Guess my 3rd house has me mired in the particulars as usual. I'll rein myself in to a succinct and relevant train of thought in time (the above declaration is part of that as you've likely ascertained lol).
11th July 2022
Peace, I hope this email finds you well. My name is ****** and today I pleasantly came across your YouTube podcast, "On The Metamorphosis Of Fear into Willpower: Scorpio Rising." I deeply enjoyed your insights on the Scorpio rising energy and experience. Being one myself, I listened intently the entire way through, smirking. I sent you a message earlier today as well via text/whatsapp but not quite sure if that went through. In any case, I'm interested in an astrology chart reading from you. Can you share your rates with me? I think I heard you mention a consultation at the end of the podcast. Is that something you offer/require prior to a chart reading? Thank you for creating and sharing these astrology podcasts! They are such a breath of fresh air. And extra special coming from who I presume to be an African man. All the best to you,
1st July 2022
*****'s synthesis was beautiful and extremely insightful. Thank you so much. And, I am homeschooling (technically "unschooling") both of them, and I do take my responsibility very seriously. Warmly,
15th August 2023
Good morning Hazel I'm taking time to digest the information provided. It's been very helpful, enlightening and syncs with my perception of reality.
5th April 2023
Good Morning Hanyel, I've listened to the synthesis, and I was very moved by your interpretation of it all. When would be a suitable time to discuss a few things from the reading? Thank you and I look forward to speaking with you soon.
7th August 2023
Thank you! Your interpretation of my energy is interesting and I value your insights. I will review the flyer. My only question about my reading is regarding my career. I see my Saturn supports Neptunean prospects and yet I feel like I’m under employed…or that I “want” an opportunity to find me. (I know that sounds bizarre). My degrees are not really related to what I do. I find other people confusing. It’s true what you said- I’m writing the book of “who” I am in this incarnation. At this point I really know who I am not. Thank you for reaching out and I will consider attending your classes😃
25th July 2022
Hello Hanyel, I've been meaning to tell you that your videos are priceless. The one on pisces rising resonated and it has been life changing. I absolutely appreciate your work. I understand. Actually when I grow up I want to be as articulate and knowledgeable as you 😅 I am running at the same time my pockets are chasing me further. But I'm actively working on that. And what if all that awareness will be to much to handle? I would also love to help increase viewership of videos and content. It's really priceless, if that's something you are open to. I have no experience with YouTube but I think you can get an expert on platforms like Upwork to help with that. The little I can do is some research here and there but I'm absolutely compelled to help put your content out there. Also I appreciate you responding to my messages 😅 You have no idea how much your brilliance marvels me.
7th August 2023
I listened to half of you recording last night and will listen to the other half this morning. I feel like taking it slowly. Its as if I m discovering my mother for the first time in some ways, although every single thing you say rings CLEAR AND LOUD AND TRUE. You are really brilliant. I will get back with feedback when I ve listened to it completely. i ll then have to listen to it again to take some notes which I didnt do yet. Truly brilliant so far, and spot on.
28th May 2021
WOW I can’t believe how in depth and spot on you are! I just sent you ***$, thank you so much!!! How did you put all that together? Any suggestions to develop/control my psychic abilities? I’ve been studying the Law of One material and reading a lot of David Wilcock trying to get control of my mind!!
23rd December 20
I have listened to just over half of your recording on my chart. Because its a bit too much to take in at once, I prefer to let it sink in and settle before hearing the rest. I cried a lot. Because at last I understand things that I ve never understood. So much has fell into relationship with the world and humanity. I cant find the words to describe my admiration and respect for you. You are clearly someone very very very special. Unique. And in communication with the spirit world. So for now, let me just say thank you. I will listen to the other half this evening.
22nd April 2021
Yes you were very spot on! I’ve always had issues with money and have a deep fear of not being financially independent. I do not want to rely on anyone for this. I like being independent and do not want a job that feels so restricting. I want total freedom lol and yes I’m a bit emotionally distant with partners and am currently married and get into problems because I’m not emotionally demonstrative and he thinks I’m cold. My main thing is Career progression. I want to be successful because I feel deep within I can become something great ... but I hate feeling so restrictive in my job. I do lack confidence and had missed so many opportunities but am working on confidence. Because I can overcome a lot
17th December 2020
Wow...everything you said was 150 percent correct and beyond accurate. My mom is no more, but I do wrestle with her voice in my head. I'm a writer and also an artist. I have been working on stuff that I consider futuristic, but I've been afraid to complete it. I'm speechless. I do feel other people's energy a lot, but I also try to be logical. Thank you for taking the time to do this detailed analysis of my chart. I truly appreciate it.
12th June 2020
I’ve been following your videos on YouTube. You have one of the most remarkable minds I’ve ever come across. I just wanted to express my gratitude 🙂
6th August 2023
I just listened to your podcast and I’ve never felt more understood (as a Scorpio Rising). You are so gifted at what you do. Thank you immensely. Thank you! Have you consider creating a TikTok account? You have such a gift and I think many people there would be really interested in your insight! ☺️
18th July 2023
I just got done listening and I have to say thank you once again. The amount of absolute truth that I felt,while listening,is indescribable to be honest. The sex and anger issues are spot on,well the whole synthesis is spot on. I will listen 4-5 more times and hopefully be able to give you a more thorough response. Thank you again.its been 41 years that I've been waiting for it to make sense
15th June 2022
Hanyel, thank you for the gift of better understanding my story. The accuracy of this synthesis has validated what I have tried to deny my entire life. I am forever grateful. How go we schedule a call?
22nd September 2023
Hanyel, I was just sitting here listening to the rain outside the window, and reflecting on how much my life has shifted in the last few weeks. I am truly thankful for your service and appreciate all your efforts. I can only imagine what you had to go through to have such an impact on others. May you always be blessed by God....Amen
21st September 2023
I’m still halfway through listening, but yes, I definitely adore your work 🤩
26th September 2023
So accurate and never realized the implication of my mercury aspecting saturn. Yes I have confidence issues. Yes I struggled in school and believed that Jupiter has been optimistic and my guardian angel and of course God.. Left home country at age **, travelled alone in America as a *****. I am into self preservation that I worry my kids future despite creating them a few $$trust just in case. The worry must be the control I never realized.. Never let them loan money in college. I’m concern with my son’s lilith in his 4th house. My other sons pisces and how if affects our relationship, although I’m close to them. My husband is a hardcore gemini and although we both crave freedom sometimes, he is also into freemasons groups which I can’t relate.. I am missing the scorpio passion but did focus on rearing the kids instead. Now their big so I am into self discovery.. Covid season erupted and the fear of death since childhood triggers me so I delve into personlity: mbti, enneagram and bumped into horoscopes then astrology. I learned my birtchart and seems my scorpio energy started to open up and got some confidence to relate to everyone... I am ******* and now exploring and other religious and esoteric knowledge.. and you know it’s quiet challenging.. very pssionate with this and surprise with this current shift. Thank you so much!!
26th September 2023
Hello 🙂 so I have thoroughly enjoyed your service, in such a way that I’m going to have to listen to it another few times to fully process it. As far as the q&a session goes, I’m hoping to listen again tomorrow and make some notes with questions that I plan to send to you. However I’ve been extremely ill, so I’m sorry I have dragged this out a few days.
28th September 2023
Hanyel my dear Angel...i tried to call you to wish you a super fabulous and incredibly fortunate 2021.... I have no words to express my gratitude for all your comforting guidance in the last 1 week ! Thank you so much and may the lord fill your heart with over flowing joy always...
21st december 2020
Hello, I just wanted to say that your videos are profound and revelatory on a level that I cannot aptly articulate. I have a 5-planet Scorpio stellium---the core of which is a tight Moon-Pluto conjunction (would love a video on that, when you have the time)---and your Scorpio videoes are not only the best analyses I've ever heard but a deep catharsis of understanding I didn't realize I was waiting for. Infinite appreciation to you. Hopefully, one day soon, I can send you a formal request for a chart reading.
4th October 2023
Dear Mr. Hanyel, I want to thank you for my report. It was very helpful, and amazingly so very accurate. My work has been my life, as noted in my 6th house, investigating child abuse, and now working as a psychotherapist. The remaining aspects have been known, experienced, many painfully, but until recently, truly respected. Your work is truly excellent. You are being of Light, truly. Blessings
9th October 2023
Hello Hanyel, Thank you very much for this reading. It has been profound and impactful so far, and I'm sure it will only continue to be more so as time passes. It would be careless of me not to take advantage of your offer for a complimentary q&a session so I would like to submit my request to pick your brain a bit more about this reading. I hope this message finds you well,
12th October 2023
Wow. I can't thank you enough. The Deep Knowledge of Self that you have provided is the most valuable thing there is. I have listened to it twice. It's a surreal experience to have my Deep Self explained in detail, when no one else has even been able to understand what is below my surface. Thank You for the Life-Changing reading.
16th November 2023
I cried my way through this entire video. This is one of the absolute best lay-outs of the cap moon experience I’ve ever heard. Felt seen.. thank you so much.
14th October 2023